Needling is a minor surgical procedure to treat verruca under local anaesthesia. The goal is to implant infected cells into the dermis thus stimulating an immune response and therefor destruction of the virus. Recent studies have shown Falknor’s Needling resolves 6 – 7 cases out of 10.
Needling involves the use of a fine dental needle to puncture the verruca lesion and dermo epidermal junction multiple times under local anaesthesia. A debridement session is required 2 – 3 weeks post procedure to remove any surface debris and further follow up may be needed to check progress. As your foot will be numb with anaesthesia you will not be able to drive until full feeling returns, you will also need to rest your foot that day.
One huge advantage over other treatments such as cryosurgery and acids is that often only one session of treatment is usually needed, followed by a debridement session. If you have multiple lesions then still only the “mother lesion” needs to be treated as a systemic immune response is initiated. There is no evidence that suggest using this technique can spread the virus further.